Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Time!

This post is way overdue, but a post midsummer is better then no post at all eh?

Let's see, I've passed my classes, and thankfully I'll be a third year Dnet student. =P
Didn't do much since after the finals, just did the one thing I've been wanting to do for a while which was to- RELAX!

Movies watched:

The Star Trek movie, and I liked it. I liked watching star trek growing up, think they did a good job with it, especially with Zachary Quinto as young Spock! He's playing Syler in the show Heros. Seeing Leonard Nimoy in the movie was pretty cool. John Cho had some impressive fight scenes, while Simon Pegg was just hilarious. Basically, anyone who hasn't seen it yet, you are missing out you fool-go get the dvd!

Terminator Salvation, which was fun to watch. Though I'll never get (spoiler) why a pregnant woman was allowed to come along into the fighting towards the end of the movie. She looked weird and out of place. xD Meh. Even with little bits that seem not to make much sense it was still overall a pretty good action movie. That's what this is, it's a perfect action movie for the summer. I've always been a fan of Christian Bale, he did a great job as always. Was impressed by Sam Worthington s actas well.

While wondering about what to watch next, a friend suggested 'Short Circuit'. After watching that, I ended up watching Wall-E (I had kept putting it off, finally gave in). Understandable why some people would ask why both robots seem familiar. Though I will say Wall-E wins on the cuteness scale. xD

what else?

I was very sad to hear about Michael Jacksons passing. I loved his music, and what he brought to the world. I'm keeping this short, since I think I'll be writing a longer post about him soon.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson. <3>
Well I'm in Turkey at the momment with the family. Planning on staying here till the end of August.

I'm a bit bummed that I can't make it to the Rock'n'Coke Festival in Istanbul though. :( I'm over in ankara with the family now. Maybe next year? We'll see.

Still planning on hitting the beach and enjoying the sun in Izmir soon enough. :)

Hope everyones having a great summer. ^_^


p.s. I need to get a new laptop. The one I have has served me well over the four years that I've had it, but it's given up on me, and I can only use the cousins computer for so long. xD

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