Monday, November 23, 2009

Greyhound Race Tracks!

We had a good group show up to go to the dog race tracks on friday. My neighbor races his dogs there as well, so he was able to meet up with us and give us a bit more information about the place. It's a very nice looking place, bar on both floors, and a resturant at the second floor with a cool view of the race tracks. I managed to win twice xD though some of the dogs names were rather funny. =P It was a very interesting and fun trip.

Will be putting up photos of it later. :)


Friday, November 20, 2009


Oh Haaaaiiiiii!
Wooow It's been a while, I'm way behind on the posts. I'm in my third year now, and have been kept pretty busy. Aaanyway, some news from me:

-I Got a Summer Internship ! Woohoooooooooo!!! Yaaaaay! ^_^
So for this coming summer, I'll be working for Strencom.
It's an irish networking company. The guys who came down
for the interview were very nice, made it easy to talk to them. :)
Sooooooooooo I'll be in Ireland for the summer, and mostly over
in Blackpool. ^_^

So yeah ! YAAAY!

-I am the Chair Person for the International Students Society in CIT!
Yaaaaay! =D I wasn't sure if I should go for the position or not, but I ended up going for it in the end. ^_^ I'm enjoying my time as the Chairperson so far. It helps when you have such a great committee who are dedicated and willing to make time to organize the events throughout the year. As a committee so far we have: 1 person from Turkey (Meh xD), 2 from Germany (Sandra[PRO], & Kathrin[Secretary]), and 2 from France (Mathieu[Treasurer], & Maud [Assistant Treasurer])

So a good mixture really. :)
We have around 117 members in the society, so we're trying our best to make this a fun year for them. The students are very nice, and they all get along well with each other.

We've done: A welcome party, Halloween party, Bowling night. Tonight we're all going to the Greyhound rack tracks.

We also have a facebook page, look us up when you have the time. ISS CIT. =D

hmm that's all the news from my end to be honest.
In other random news, Neil Patrick Harris is on twitter. =P Yes I do use twitter, so it was nice to hear the news. If you don't know who he is I would suggest you look up "Dr. Horribles' singalong blog" on youtube, or start watching the tv show: "How I met your mother". He's very good.

The show is about a guy called Ted Mosby, telling a story to his children about how he met their mother. Neil plays a woman crazy Barney Stinson, who is one of Teds best friends, determined to teach his friend more about the ways with women. Let's just say there are too many hilarious momments in the show to be able to list them all here in this blog. :)

He's not the only one, Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day are also on twitter. They were both in "Dr. Horribles singalong blog" with Neil Patrick Harris.

Nathan Fillion stars in the tv show "Castle" as a rather funny mystery novelist Richard Castle, who ends up tagging along with a young detective Kate Beckett (played by Stana Katic). He uses the excuse of wanting to use her as the next character in a new book he is writing.

Famous & filthy rich novelist + a rather tough female detective = comedy ensues!!

Felicia Day has her own show as well. Starting out on Youtube it got pretty popular. "The Guild"
about a group of WOW players, and the hilarious situations they find themselves in once they all decide to meet up in real life. Even for someone who doesn't play wow, it's still a pretty good show to watch. They also got themselves a deal with microsoft for their new season coming out (they're on season 3 now and going strong).

So all three are on twitter, and with rather amusing posts at that. =P

Started flooding in Cork on thursday. Thankfully things weren't too bad in Carrigaline, we were still able to get out and about. Though corks main street Patrick street was flooded really bad on thursday. Google it on youtube to get a better idea on how bad it was.

hmm No other news other then that for now. Finally finished a post. More will be coming soon if I manage to get work out of the way.

Soooooo anyways, stay dry, and hope you guys have a good month. =)


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Time!

This post is way overdue, but a post midsummer is better then no post at all eh?

Let's see, I've passed my classes, and thankfully I'll be a third year Dnet student. =P
Didn't do much since after the finals, just did the one thing I've been wanting to do for a while which was to- RELAX!

Movies watched:

The Star Trek movie, and I liked it. I liked watching star trek growing up, think they did a good job with it, especially with Zachary Quinto as young Spock! He's playing Syler in the show Heros. Seeing Leonard Nimoy in the movie was pretty cool. John Cho had some impressive fight scenes, while Simon Pegg was just hilarious. Basically, anyone who hasn't seen it yet, you are missing out you fool-go get the dvd!

Terminator Salvation, which was fun to watch. Though I'll never get (spoiler) why a pregnant woman was allowed to come along into the fighting towards the end of the movie. She looked weird and out of place. xD Meh. Even with little bits that seem not to make much sense it was still overall a pretty good action movie. That's what this is, it's a perfect action movie for the summer. I've always been a fan of Christian Bale, he did a great job as always. Was impressed by Sam Worthington s actas well.

While wondering about what to watch next, a friend suggested 'Short Circuit'. After watching that, I ended up watching Wall-E (I had kept putting it off, finally gave in). Understandable why some people would ask why both robots seem familiar. Though I will say Wall-E wins on the cuteness scale. xD

what else?

I was very sad to hear about Michael Jacksons passing. I loved his music, and what he brought to the world. I'm keeping this short, since I think I'll be writing a longer post about him soon.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson. <3>
Well I'm in Turkey at the momment with the family. Planning on staying here till the end of August.

I'm a bit bummed that I can't make it to the Rock'n'Coke Festival in Istanbul though. :( I'm over in ankara with the family now. Maybe next year? We'll see.

Still planning on hitting the beach and enjoying the sun in Izmir soon enough. :)

Hope everyones having a great summer. ^_^


p.s. I need to get a new laptop. The one I have has served me well over the four years that I've had it, but it's given up on me, and I can only use the cousins computer for so long. xD

Monday, May 11, 2009


Almost done with classes. Have a math's maple exam, project presentations for programming, and OO design. An exam in OO design, as well as in networking. Then three finals to survive through next week.
Wish meh luck.

On personal news, I finally caved, and gave in. Got myself an ipod shuffle (FINALLY!)'s >.>; Yes I don't like pink but a. it was the only color they had and b. I did the lazy thing and bought it instead of coming back another day. If I put it off for another day then I would keep putting off for another month to be honest. Which I should have since as soon as I got home, dad was talking about how he had planned to get an ipod nano for next month >.> so that plan is shot now that I've already bought this one.

Hmmm what news for this month,

Everyone stay healthy D= and watch out for the mumps. Get the shot if you never got it as a kid (and uh guys especially XD ha! ). I asked the parents if I ever got it as a kid, mom was convinced that I had. Then she hesitated, saying maybe that was my older sister who got it instead. >.>; So that got me a bit worried, but she assures me that I did get it at one point.
In Turkey we call it "kaba kulak". Which I think is a bit of a funny name, but that's only if you translate it word for word to english "kaba" = "rough", and "kulak" = "ear". So yeah, stay healthy, and be careful, especially since finals are just next week. I do think you still have to take the exams if you still get the mumps so try to avoid it as best you can.

May Day, (which is May 1st) is usually a day full of rallies by labor unions. People protesting the government, the unemployment, etc. Turkey wasn't the only country that was full of protests and marches for that day. Hmm my thoughts on that? Well, I say protest if you have something to protest about, but keep it peaceful. You're only doing yourself more harm if things turn violent. Basically I don't see how violent protests really help your cause.

Dom Deluise passed away this month. D= Which really sucks, I thought he was a rather funny actor.

Swine Flu has gotten really bad. Everyone be careful when traveling. D=

This might be bit of old news, but I read that they were taking the grey wolves off of the endangered species list in America. Though at the same time because of this, "wolves can now be hunted again according to strict regulations." >.<>.> Honestly, just sounds wrong if you ask me.

Right, well thats it for this month. I have three big exams to study for. Hope to god they all go well. Study hard people and pass all your exams so you can enjoy your summer!

Good luck !


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Right around the corner

Right, finals coming up. D= Have to study.

and y...a...y... >.>; eh, projects due as well.

>.< So much to do, so little time for it all.

Someone stop time for me. =D

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Break...
- Programming
- OO Analysis and Design
- Build your own pc.


Assessment in almost every class. >.>;


Short break time? xD

Didn't plan much for the break to be honest. Mostly just sleep, study and maybe go out once or twice. I already organized most of the notes, but I'm still going to be going over them during the break as well. Sooo nothing interesting for this weekend, but we'll see how the break turns out.

Chance has grown up rather fast. D= Looking back at the videos can't believe how small he was when he first came. He's still barking at children, and trying to run off with anything he can grab without anyone noticing. Hopefully we can make him stop doing both.

I might try going to Dublin again for a few days. Would be fun. ^_^

^_^ Have a great two weeks everyone!

Enjoy your Easter break.

Good luck to all who have exams and projects they have to work on during the break as well.
Don't be sad, you can make it through all of them. Just keep at it! =D

Ending with this long quote from one of my favorite books:

"The best thing for being sad, replied Merlyn, beginning to puff and blow, is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn."
-Merlyn The Once and Future King, T. H. White

Monday, March 16, 2009


Assessments, Projects, Assignments, Labs.

Finished the calculator project this weekend and sent it in. ^_^ Had to make a calculator, like the small ones on usually every pc? Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Calculator.

Have a report due for wed. for build your own pc. It's a nice class, and he really goes into detail with explaining every little bit on and in a computer. Most of my class is taking the class as well, we ended up making crossover cables while everyone else did the rest of the lab. ^_^; Heh.

Exam this thurs. for Calc class. Hopefully I'll survive it. *fingers crossed*

Online exam as always this tuesday for networking.

hmm theres also a case study that I should be starting soon for networking class. It's due sometime after the april easter break. >.>

Trying to commit more to the international student society as well. Figured I really should considering I'm currently the PR for the society. XD

Definatly a good group of students in the society though, everyone on the committee tries really hard to put together the events for the members, and really go out of their way to try and make it the most memorable. ^_^ So far I've started organizing a- game day? Didn't really give it a name. It started out a few weeks ago, just getting people together to play some basketball every saturday. There were some other sports the members wanted as well, so I'll be trying to organize a different sport for each saturday. Last saturday it was indoor football, didn't think it would be so good outside considering what the weather was like during the week following up to it. I'm not a good football player, but still had lots of fun trying to play with the others. xD
Next saturday I'm aiming for a badminton game time, maybe also football. Whichever one most of the members want to play to be honest. Either way I'll do my best to make sure the equipment is there anyway.

Hopefully I'll be able to get one of the hoodies that the society is offering the members. Only 21.50, so not too bad to be honest. Usually they are like 25 something, so, i'm a little late but we'll see. There's also a trip to Galway, which I'm sure will be a blast for any who join in. ^_^ I wont be able to go considering school work and all, I'll definatly try for next time something like that is planned though.

Gaye and Mustafa are visiting. =D
They came down to Cork on saturday, probably will stay for most of the week.
^_^ Yays!

ARTSFEST is coming up, 21st- 29th of March. Means lots of fun things to go see and check out.
Can't wait for that. =D

Didn't get to go to dublin to see Neil Gaiman. :( oh well, I'm hoping maybe next time he comes around I'll be able to see him then. ^_^ His father passed away recently =( so I was very sorry to hear about his loss. My deepest condolences to him and his family.

April is coming up fast, and causes me to think even more then before of someone I usually think about all year through. April 1st 2001, the day my grandfather passed away. I'de like to think he wouldn't want people to be sad that day though. So usually, even if it sounds silly, I take out the backgammon game and play either against someone else or just play a game against myself. xD
I would go to Turkey every summer, we would end up going to his beach house there. He would always be playing backgammon on the front side of the beach house during the summer days. All his friends coming over to play a game with him for the day. =) I always hear funny stories about him, and things he used to do or say. Miss him every day. ^_^

I was reading The Economist today, just one of the few maganzines that sister always is reading. XD There was a smal artice about ireland and the government's current condition. D= I really hope things pick up, and useless cuts aren't being made anymore ( though to be hoenst that would be a silly thing to hope for, its the same for almost every country right now to be honest).
There are houses in Detroit Michigan in the USA that are being put on sale for just 100 bucks a house, or even for a dollar. D=

Apparently there are communities that live in tents now. 0.0

Good luck to all of you who are doing work placement right now.


<.< >.>

>.< *Leaves a cookie.* >.<

Monday, March 2, 2009

Attention =D

Recommend you all check it out:

Group of artists who are so good at what they do, you'll be hooked on their work.

Also: Nice site for all those who want to keep a bit ahead of the news on new technology

Hard to believe it's already march! Good luck everyone with all your classes this semester!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pigeons of Ireland...

Crows are the Pigeons of Cork.
I can't believe the amount of crows that are around the place. Not that it's a bad thing to be honest. Edgar Allen Poe's poems have a tendency to pop into my thoughts at times when walking by a group of crows though. Wonder why. =D

Speaking of which, it was Edgar Allen Poe's 200th anniversary on the 19th.

Went to Dublin for almost a week to spend time with Gaye and Mustafa. I rather enjoyed myself, went to the national museum, took random pictures of old buildings, went to a nearby pub. Even joined the sister in a bit of shopping (which is rare, considering I'm not much of a fan of shopping >.> It was rather fun to go with my sister though). Stopped by a park for a bit to take pictures on the way to the museum. Once we got to the museum, there was a huge section on paintings by dutch painters.
All in all my most favorites were:

Jacob Isaackszon van Ruisdael His painting Bentheim Castle is breathtaking. Might sound corny but it literally made my jaw drop. Gabriel Metsu His paints of Man Writing a Letter and Woman Reading a Letter hung on the wall side by side were amazing. Just the delicate touches of detail from the reflection on the mirror, detail of the paintings behind both figures, the light landing on their faces, her smile-his concentration. Willem Claesz Heda His still life paintings of Breakfast of Crab and Breakfast Table with Blackberry Pie up close even were amazing. I had an urge to just reach out and pour myself a glass, and maybe try a bit of the breakfast. Some of Gerrit Dou's paintings, and Caravaggio's Taking of Christ painting was rather incredible as well.

There were many others. Anyone visiting Dublin, I would recommend they go to the National Gallery of Ireland. The architecture of the building itself was very different as well.

I had a blast in Dublin, and can't wait to go back. There will be a film festival in Dublin that I would really like to attend. Learned that Neil Gaiman will be there as well on the 17th of Feb. He's the creator/writer of the Sandman DC comics, author of the book 'American Gods', and the new one called, 'The Graveyard Book'. I liked the essay he wrote about Edgar Allen Poe . I doubt I'll ever be that lucky, but who knows maybe I'll get to see him there. =D

We'll see what happens. There are friends that are getting back in touch with me, and I with them. I miss a lot of my friends around the world, everyone in a different country, city, town. Maybe I'll meet up with some of them this summer? ^_^ Heh, we'll see. I really hope that this year will go smoothly, and that classes will be alright. So many ideas, so many things I want to do this year. What's that quote again? Oh yeah,

"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think,
all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read,
and all the friends I want to see."
-John Burroughs

One thing about Dublin, the pigeons there are the fattest one's I have ever seen.
Not Crows this time, I mean actual chubby Pigeons close to obesity.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Entering 2009...

Happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!
A bit late but yeah XD Happy new year everyone!

Well, finals are...over. ^_^ Hopefully we all managed to pass. *fingers crossed.*
Went to Dublin on the 12th with some of the other students from CIT. Five all together from our Dnet class showed up. The trip wasn't too bad actually, its the total six hour trip that was a bit tiring but still alright. Three hours there and three hours back, spent most of it sleeping, listening to music or reading. xD We weren't allowed to take pictures once inside but it was still pretty nice Presentation was made about the new things microsoft has been working on, xna, silverlight, and some other things. A small tour followed, it was very quiet but I think most of the people by then had gone for lunch since there weren't many people at their desks. The ones that were around were busy with headphones playing various games on their computers. A section for developers some for testers, etc. Lunch break, followed by a last presentation about the imagine cup. ^_^ overall it was a rather interesting visit to microsoft.
Other then that I've been rather lazy during the break. Picked up the guitar again, trying to learn both from chords and from tabs.
In other news, I got a new puppy. =D
A 6 week old, male jack russell terrier, lucky my sister and her husband were still in cork when we got him. The previous owner was kind enough to bring four of their male puppies for us to choose from. We all ended up picking Chance. ^_^
Sister gave him the name "Bon Chance" which means chance/lucky in french apparently. It sort of stuck so we've all been calling him chance in turkish, "shanse" for short.
He's curious about everything in every room, hyper and since his teeth are only just coming out, he bites almost everything he sees. Love him to bits! XD

Today is also my brithday. ^_^ I'll be turning 22 today, stuffing myself with moms yummy cake, and heading to town later to meet up with the friends at the pub.

I hope the rest of you are having a great break. If youre working, I hope the jobs going well, if not then have fun being a lazy bum. =P
